Sunday, November 2, 2008

Just Sitting

I survived Nov.1. It could have been a bad day, but it wasn't. I was too busy being sick to be sad, I think.

Halloween at Alabang on Friday was a lot of fun with the boys and their cousins, plus a few of Andrew's and Angela's friends. For the first time ever, I did not dress up or go trick-or-treating. I stayed in. Mia heard me complaining about my back aching because of my seismic coughing and ordered a massage for me. Sarap.

Yesterday, we all lazed around until 5pm, then went to Mass at San Antonio with Mom, Dad, Marie and MIL, then visited at the crypt, and then had some Thai at Serendra. After dinner, MIL went home, I took the sleeping dead-weight of Maxi home, and the rest watched the last full show of High School Musical 3.

The only time I allowed myself to be melancholic was when I was finally home and it was quiet. I didn't pray, or talk out loud, or meditate... I just sat. And in the grand scheme of things, "just sitting" was as good as it gets.

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